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Marci"It was April of 2017 and I’ll never forget it. I had been watching a few friends from high school post on their Facebook page about the gym they were attending. Never had I been one to commit to a workout regimen but as I watched and watched, I knew that I needed to do something. I never really struggled with my weight until after I turned 40. It wasn’t only the weight gain but I generally just felt horrible and out of shape. I remember sending Bethany a private message with questions about her gym and the next thing I knew I was walking in at 5:30am on Monday morning nervous and scared. Immediately those feelings faded. I was welcomed with open arms! I was able to go at my own pace, shown modifications and met and developed lasting friendships that day. I never realized until I made fitness a part of my regular routine exactly how much I needed it. Not only for my physical health, but my mental health as well. As a teen, losing my brother to suicide, to overcoming drug addiction in my mid twenties to living with high anxiety to this day, I can honestly say that fitness and friendships with like minded people has given me the opportunity to share my struggles and my triumphs and cheer on the ladies that are on the same journey as me as well as those who are not. I’m beyond blessed to be a part of Fierce Fitness Training and all that it has to offer. As my 50th birthday is right around the corner I can proudly say, my nutrition is on point because everything I have learned and I’m down 30 pounds and feel amazing. If you are looking for a gym that meets your needs exactly where you are then I encourage you to give Fierce a try! I promise you won’t regret it."
Amanda"I remember seeing this workout class taking place behind the library several years ago (I think like 8 -10 years ago) and wishing I was part of that class! I could see that the instructor was amazing and that she was not only pushing them but cheering them on to do there best! I did some research and found her on FB...Bikini Fit Boot Camp. Of course, I liked her page!! At that time I was working out at another gym but knew I needed more of that kind of workout I saw that day! As time went by from that day, my fitness stayed the same but I was still thinking about that class I saw going on behind the library that day! I had started running 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and partaking I some running groups around town. I was running a lot but I wasn’t doing any cross training or strength training. As I ran and ran, I began to endure injuries. I still knew I was not getting the type of workouts I needed to keep up with the running I was doing and be injury free. Fast forward to 4 years ago, I decided to make the move to Fierce hoping that the workouts I would do could help me with my fitness level and injuries and it did just that! I have learned so much about fitness and nutrition. This gym has taught me that there is more to fitness than running. As I was dealing with injuries (shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and recovering from a stress fracture) the trainers would help me modify any exercise and they would make sure I was not doing anything to injure myself even more! They CARE so much for every lady that walks through the doors! This gym has taught me that you need a balance of cross training, resistant training, cardio, and stretching to stay injury free! I get it ALL every week here at Fierce! And I have been injury free since joining this gym!! I am stronger now that I have ever been and I have to thank Bethany and the other trainers for it. Last January, I took an online class that was coached by Bethany! I was nervous because it was going to really “dial” into my nutrition which was terrible! She gave me so much knowledge about how to eat, what to eat, and not DIET. She would always say your body needs fuel! It was a game changer and I still follow her nutrition ideas/plans today! The ladies that attend everyday are so encouraging, supportive, welcoming, and uplifting. I love that there are all types of fitness levels and ages in this gym! Doors are open and friends will meet you to get in an extra workout! This is a gym that says it all “Fitness, Friendship, and Fun, and I have to add in one more...FAMILY!! I am so glad I made the switch and joined Fierce. I couldn't have asked for a better gym!"
Dede“WOW.. It’s been ten years since I first began Bethany's Bikini Boot Camp. At the beginning, after only a few months in, I had to quit due to a skiing injury. I was so disappointed because I was feeling great. After that injury it took me a few years of starting and stopping to finally make the decision that I had to commit to my journey to a better me. Turning 40, I started noticing that everything was changing. I didn’t think I had put on weight but, I did notice things shifting and my clothes not fitting like they were. I also knew my energy level was down and I have a busy life (like most of us moms) and I couldn’t be slowed down. I knew it was time that I needed to make a change in my life. I began working out at home and eating better. I thought I was doing ok, but not as good as I should. In May of 2015 I re-joined Fierce training and have been extremely committed to working out with an awesome group of women. Fast forward five years later and I’m so thankful to have Bethany and the other trainers there to help build me up. Not only are they there to help you with your fitness, but to guide you with your nutrition as well. . I can’t express enough how much all the friendships I have made mean to me. My 5am ladies help me start my day off in such a positive way. I love the fun we can have even so early in the morning and sometimes some complaining, haha. Thats what it’s all about! . Staying committed to a nutrition plan and exercising, plus accountability has made me a better wife & mom, and has made me more confident. It’s not just about a quick fix. It’s about commitment and a lifestyle change. . Everyone knows I love a great quote… “My Goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I use to be”
Blaze"Hey guys! Let me tell you about this place called Fierce Fitness!! I’d heard about it for a few years, I even worked with a few people who went there. What stopped me? I was truly intimidated by the price... because I have NEVER committed to a gym membership, I mean I was having $10 taken out of my account monthly for almost a year and never stepped foot into that other gym after only going for a few months. Well, here enters Jennifer Douglass into my life. She’d talk to me about Fierce here and there... I’d give excuses; price, don’t have time... then she got me. I told her I just didn’t feel like driving.. “you can ride with me” . I hate driving and she was willing to do whatever it took to get me there - SOLD Let’s try this thing! I started with Fierce in September of 2019! When I say this has become my second home, I’m not kidding. I started out coming 2 nights a week, and that alone changed my life. Since Saturday classes have been added, now I’m here 3 out of 7 times a week. I have accountability, motivation, and a group of awesome women to work out with. Day 1 these ladies quickly became friends and it felt like I had been here forever. There is absolutely NO JUDGMENT here, we encourage each other to push to our next goal together! This place made and helped me feel like a better me!! I’m a happier person, I’m surrounded by good vibes, I’m constantly being encouraged and wanting to encourage others. Oh, and let’s not forget the inches and weight I’m losing at the same time."
Marie"Fierce found ME by way of the Little Black Dress Transformation Project last October. After seeing multiple Facebook friends “interested” in this event, I looked more into it. I made a million excuses as to why I couldn’t do it. But I had reached my breaking point. I HAD to do something and needed a swift kick in the rear to get started. And I decided that would be it. I went all in and committed. It was not easy. It was not always convenient. But man was it worth it!! Sure I lost pounds and inches, but gained far more. I joined Fierce Fitness immediately after I “graduated” from the LBD Project and became part of the most awesome little tribe of fearless, strong, encouraging, and uplifting women. I also love that I can bring my daughter with me which not only allows me to not have so much mom guilt but also sets a great example for her early on!"
Mallory Yeater"I just want you to know how awesome I feel right now! down 2 dress sizes and I feel amazing and confident in this new dress I bought for a wedding this week thank you for believing in me..... I started Fierce Fitness 2 years ago this week. I joined with Dede and Emily thinking this would just be a one-time thing and that it wouldn't last (because it never does). Here I am 2 years later. I am healthy, strong, and more confident. I have run 2 races (6 miles and 9 miles) and continue on my journey every single day. Some days it is hard, but I think about what I am doing this for. I'm doing this for myself, my husband, my family and in hopes for a child one day. Fierce Fitness Training isn’t just a place I go to workout. It is a place I go to with friends that become family and a support group. Thank you to everyone for supporting me and thank you Bethany and all the trainers for always pushing me."
Connie Shugars"I lost my thirties to my children, coaching soccer, working, cleaning house, etc. I was very athletic, thin, wiry strong, in my twenties. But not finding time for myself changed all of that. When I turned 40, I started running with my puppy. After about a year, it was not working. I joined Bethany’s Bikini Fit Camp. Not only did I change my body (lost 30 pounds in a year!) but I learned how to eat, which of course made all the difference. More importantly, I became incredibly confident in myself. I discovered what it means to be a strong woman. Now some of that came naturally through my mother, some with age - your forties will change your entire perspective on life - and some by surrounding myself with positive women. But I don’t think I would be who I am today - and love me for me the way I do - without having been part of Bethany Roley’s vision. Its been 6 years. No, I am not what I was when I was 28 and I have gained back some of that weight (the numbers no longer matter to me), but I have been equipped with the tools, the leadership, and the motivation to be the best version of this 48-year-old self I can be. I love to see younger women at FIERCE not missing their twenties and thirties - taking time for themselves. And I love seeing the older women at FIERCE leading the way with our work ethic and self-confidence. We all inspire each other in so many different ways - spoken and unspoken. It is not a quick fix by any means - it takes hard work, commitment, and setbacks. It is a very real, daily process. A grind. But every woman - YOU - are worth it."
Claire Hill"Eleven years ago I worked with a young woman that I admired very much. She was vibrant and brave and confident. She set goals for herself and worked hard to achieve them. When she set a goal for herself of becoming a fitness instructor, I was happy to support her because everything about her was an encouragement to me. That encouragement continues today as I workout with the business she now calls Fierce. Fierce is not a word I would ever use to describe myself. Shy, anxious and insecure are more accurate. Why have I stayed with her, off and on, for eleven years? Why do I exercise at all? Exercise gives me confidence. When I set small goals for myself at the gym and achieve them, I gain confidence in other areas of my life. I feel better when I exercise. It improves my self-esteem, helps me deal with anxiety, gives me energy and helps me deal with stress. I exercise so that I can live life fully in the body God has given me. I want to be able to do physical things, like rearrange my living room when I want to and get in and out of the back row of my daughter’s mini-van when I my granddaughters want me to sit back there with them. I want to be able to carry the heavy wooden birdhouse that I bought at a craft fair to the car when the car is parked two blocks away. I want to be fit enough to walk places and see things when I travel and hike and zip-line in the Thailand forest without being sore the next day. I had a great model of fitness in my father. When we were growing up he liked to camp and hike and swim. In his late 70’s he took up walking. He kept a spreadsheet on the miles he walked and surprised us all when he walked a total of over 480 miles. Then, despite his Parkinson’s disease and the worry and concern it caused his five children, he kept weights and a pull up bar in his home into his early 80’s, and he used them to the best of his ability. Then in his assisted living home, he attended physical therapy every day to try to maintain his mobility. It is my hope that I can encourage others like my Dad encouraged me. Working out under Bethany’s direction with the other women at Fierce provides accountability, friendship and a great deal of encouragement. Thank you, Bethany, for a chance to share my story with others."
Stacey Randall"I was the woman sitting on the sidelines of life. I never saw myself as being a physically active person and the scale just kept going up and I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I knew I had to change. I knew who Bethany was because I had seen on Facebook and had friends talk about Bethany's Bikini Boot Camp. I even looked at her website many times but I told myself "there is no way I can keep up because you have tried exercise classes and never been able to keep up". So, I continued sitting on the sidelines and very out of shape. I was so out of shape that I was not even unable to walk up one flight of stairs without gasping for breath. Then in February 2015 I saw a friend post about one of Bethany's online accountability groups. I knew I could do this because I had the guidance of Bethany but I didn't have to step into a gym for anyone to see how out of shape I was and no one would be able to see if I could keep up in an exercise class at a gym. I completed that program and I was proud of myself because I had joined another gym with my sister Sadie and I was working out with her in the mornings (This is when I found out I have to get my workout in first thing when I wake up). I was like I need another accountability group. I joined another group and I was scheduled to go on a mission trip to Haiti in July 2015. After I had signed up for the mission trip the focus of the trip changed and I was informed we were going to have to hike 2 miles up a mountain in the heat of Haiti. I was like yikes! I have just started exercising and I a few months ago I was able barely walk up one flight of steps without giving out. I was still going to the gym in the mornings and all those old ladies I was working out with were so worried about me having to hike up that mountain. I started walking and doing laps up and down Riverwalk and amphitheater steps at lunch to get myself ready for this hike and then I would come home and the evening walking up hills. However, I only made it a little over 1 mile up that mountain in Haiti before having to turn around and hike back down. Then in October 2015 I signed up for the Little Black Dress. This accountability group encouraged you to come to the gym at Fierce. There was points to be earned for prizes but it required I step foot inside Fierce Fitness. I said OMG the only morning class before I have to be at work is 5:30 a.m. I can remember thinking I like my sleep, that is just an insane time to get up to exercise. I decided that I could do it because I was only going to have to get up at 5:30 a.m. for six weeks. My husband said you will not even last one week. Then I was bound and determined I was going to show him I could do it. Not only have I amazed my husband but I have amazed myself. That six weeks has turned into almost 2 years at Fierce. I have done so many things that I never thought I would do. I have learned that I love lifting weight. I can run but it is not one of my favorite things to do. I have done a relay team for a half marathon and done a 15k that I ended up having to walk because of an injury to my neck. I tried to get doctor to give me an excuse to get my money back for the 15k but he said no! Walk it. I am no longer the woman sitting on the sidelines. No, I may not be able to lift as much as someone else, yes, I have to modify exercises but I do NOT have to keep up with them. I can work out at my own pace and fitness level. I feel like a bad ass after I have done a tough workout at Fierce and it has definitely built my self-confidence in my abilities in all aspects of my life. Not only am I reaping the benefits of self confidence but I just had neck surgery 6/2/17 and I do not think my recovery would be going as well if I had not been exercising. I love the ladies at Fierce. They have encouraged me, cheered me on, never judged me, supported me, and have even taken care of me and my hubby after my recent surgery."
Cassie White"Here is what fitness, but mostly FIERCE fitness, has come to mean to me. Yes, I can hold myself accountable. Yes, I know how to eat healthy. Yes, I know how to stay fit. And sure, I can get that anywhere; at a chain where I pay $10 a month (I obviously know what to do), or even at my home doing my own work outs in my living room. But, what fun is that? Fitness is so much more than that and can give you so many more benefits than you could ever imagine. When I moved here in October of 2014, my immediate goal was to find "my own place," like the fitness family I had in Panama City Beach. I tried so many places, took so many classes, while in the meantime doing a lot of work outs at home because I lasted about 2 seconds in each place. I knew what I was looking for and I knew what I wanted. I knew it existed, but I just needed to be patient and keep looking. I wanted a place that focused on making people feel good about themselves, and not focused on competition. I wanted a place that shared laughs, not dirty judgmental looks. I wanted a place that had people of all fitness levels, but still pushed each individual to their fullest potential. I wanted a place that after a workout, left you feeling like you could conquer anything coming your way that day. I wanted a place that focused on YOU. I have been to many gyms searching, and at all of them, I never felt truly invited, and the instructor worked out with you. I look over, and some people are doing things wrong, or some people have the potential for a heavier weight, or maybe they don't need that modification and the instructor never even gave them the more challenging option that I knew existed. It made me shake my head, I left, and never came back. They were not worried about YOU! Most importantly, I wanted a place that brought people together. About 9 or 10 months later, in July/August of 2015, I FINALLY found my place. I can't begin to describe to you what a blessing Fierce Fitness Training Evans has been to me and my wonderful Fierce family. From the moment, I walked in on my first day, I already had a feeling that this was my place. Every single woman there is such an inspiration. It was exactly what I had been searching for in a fitness family. But some of those women have become some of the best friends I could ever have asked for. They took me under their wing, and believed in me. They push you, they motivate you, they ask you, "where the heck are you??" (lol), and even on those days you wake up and you're not really feeling it, you think about the laughs you'll miss, and sometimes that is motivation enough just to get you there! Yes, we are a group of fitness women, but we are so much more than that! My fierce girls have become some of my closest friends, and I'm so glad to have found people here in Augusta to share my mutual weirdness with. They have taught me more about myself and have supported me in ways that has allowed me to realize things I never knew I was ever capable of. Fitness is SO much more than all of the superficial things that people think too much about. It's also a mindset. If you have a wonderful fitness family, all of that other stuff will just fall into place. I want to give an EXTRA SPECIAL shout out to Bethany Roley who saw something in me that I never knew existed. She didn't really know me at the time, I wasn't there long, but she saw a potential in me and told me to go get certified as a trainer and to become apart of their team. I did it within a month, and have never looked back. It has been such an amazing journey that I have been on, discovering even more so my love for fitness that I probably wouldn't be experiencing if it weren't for her! I LOVE YOU KNUCKLE HEADS!! You guys are my sunshine!"
Jessica Cooper"10 years ago I had just moved to Augusta and saw a preview for a segment on Bethany's Bikini Bootcamp on NBC. I made sure to be home in time to watch it and immediately after I emailed Bethany. I guess you could say the rest is history. An outdoor boot camp class was just what I was looking for. I'm not a gym person, I hate treadmills, working out in a choreographed class and I especially hate working out by myself. Instantly I knew I was where I was supposed to be. Bethany was a source of motivation for me then and still is 10 years later. I have been through lots of changes with Bethany's programs and she never ceases to amaze me with creating new and exciting workouts. Even after 10 years the workouts are fresh and ever-changing. Yes, I still get sore and it is still very challenging. 2 years after starting the program Bethany asked me to come on board as a trainer. I completed my group fitness certification and I have loved being able to motivate other women. I am constantly inspired by the women in our classes to be my best. This "family" that I am a part of has become so much more than a place to workout. I have met some of my very best friends that have challenged me, encouraged me when I was down and motivated me to never give up. I have completed mud runs, 5ks, 10ks, 15ks, and half marathons that I would have never been able to do without the support of friends. I have consistently worked out before, during and after 3 pregnancies and now I love taking my kids with me. My life and my body are ever changing but no matter what there is always a workout that challenges me right where I am in my journey."
Tracie Huff"After years of yo-yo dieting & being a perpetual "march through august" exerciser, I made the commitment to join Bethany's bikini boot camp in January 2009 as a gift to myself on my 39th birthday. With a family history of hypertension & high cholesterol (& my hatred of taking medication), I knew that I needed to make some lifestyle changes and take control over my health. Despite what my mind/maturity level said, my body was not getting any younger;)... I'd never had a large amount of weight to lose, but within a few months, I had lost one complete dress size & have maintained it for 8 years now. For someone that's 5'2" (& 1/2 ), even 5lbs. make a huge difference! I have learned so much about health & wellness from Bethany! I'm certain my friends & family get tired of hearing me say "Bethany said..." Not only the knowledge, but the support, encouragement, & friendships I've gained with these ladies through Fierce is truly a treasure.... Definitely one birthday gift that continues to give..."
Amanda"I’ve never been one to stand out. I’ve always “just got by” with everything I tried to accomplish. I had no self-esteem and zero confidence. I have always struggled with my weight and after high school it just went through roof. Fast forward a couple of miserable years, a friend of mine invited me to an outdoor all women’s boot camp. I’ll never forget the encouragement that Bethany provided me all those years ago. I literally couldn’t walk for a good week afterwards, but something inside me sparked! Deep down, behind all the soreness, my body told me I could do this! Shortly after my first boot camp session ended, Bethany started advertising for her next accountability group. To be honest, I didn’t have the money at the time, but I decided it was time to start focusing on myself and to sacrifice whatever I needed to make this happen. That accountability group ended up changing my life forever! I lost tons of weight, tons of inches, and I found my inner self. I ended up going my separate way for a couple of years after that, gained all the weight and inches back, my mind set crawled back into the hole where I first started, and I was embarrassed to even leave the house most days. One day Bethany posted a quote along the lines of “before change can happen, you must change from within!” Again, I started to feel the same spark ignite within my body that I had felt all those years ago. I sent her a Facebook message and told her I needed help and she jumped right in and has not stopped. I began with personal training lessons because I was too intimidated by the women and the workouts at Fierce. I cringed at the thought of other people watching me workout. After some convincing, Bethany finally talked me into participating in a class called Insanity. It was a rough go, but I fell in love with it! I joined Fierce the next day. The workouts are tough and challenging, the comradery between the members is phenomenal, and everyone holds you accountable. I just love it! Bethany and Fierce have saved my life! I no longer feel insignificant, I am stepping outside my comfort zone daily, my self-esteem has gone through the roof, and I know I am worthy of nothing but the best! I have found my fierce tribe. I have found my forever gym. Most importantly, I found myself again and I am never letting go!"
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